属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-能源补贴 废除
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-微生物组学 病毒防护
1 | ||1:几十年来,从埃及到印尼,政府都对基本燃料给予价格补贴。||2:这些补贴常常打着高尚的旗号:降低穷人的生活成本,在石油生产国家树立碳财富收益的榜样。||3:这往往会产生破坏性的后果,打乱预算,扭曲经济,破坏环境。总体来说,它们对穷人的伤害比帮助大。 | ||1: FOR decades, governments from Egypt to Indonesia have subsidised the price of basic fuels. ||2: Such programmes often start with noble intentions—to keep down the cost of living for the poor or, in the case of oil-producing countries, to provide a visible example of the benefits of carbon wealth. ||3: But they have disastrous consequences, wrecking budgets, distorting economies, harming the environment and, on balance, hurting rather than helping the poor. | |
2 | Barr博士觉得噬菌体或许可以帮助寄主降低致病菌的数量,防止病菌将在寄主的粘膜液中大量繁殖。 | Dr Barr wondered if they were actively working with their hosts to keep down the level of pathogenic bugs that might otherwise set up shop in the hosts’ mucus membranes. | |
3 | “我的枪是一直放在这儿的,”他拎起了左腿的裤管说道。 | "My gun I keep down here, " he said, raising the cuff of his left trouser leg. | |
4 | 19世纪70年代初,当尼克松总统禁止含油种子出口以保持国内低价时,美国出现了这种状况。 | This happened to America in the early 1970s, when President Nixon banned oilseed exports to keep down domestic prices. | |
5 | 保持低工资﹑低价格﹑低生活费等 | keep down wages, prices, the cost of living, etc | |
6 | 但你会故意拒绝赔付以压低我们索赔的金额吗? | But do you deny claims on purpose to keep down how much we claim? | |
7 | 当这一计划落空时,他又在缩减出席人数上做文章。 | When that did not work, he tried to keep down the turnout instead. | |
8 | 对极个别不幸的女性来说,任何食物都咽不下去,恶心在前三个月时间里是她们不断抱怨的事情。 | For and unfortunate few, any food will be hard to keep down and nausea will be your constant companion throughout the first trimester. | |
9 | 分会也有着控制成本的内在动机。 | Lodges also had incentives to keep down costs. | |
10 | 雇主掌握权力,也能够用低廉的成本雇用移工,但却要牺牲泰国的竞争力。 | Employers have the upper hand and can keep down labour costs, but at a price to Thailand’s competitiveness. | |
11 | 规模经济和有限的投资选择会控制费用不会太高。 | Economies of scale and limited investment choice will keep down charges. | |
12 | 加强货币管理是从源头上遏制经济犯罪的治本之策 | Strengthening the currency management is the fundamental countermeasure to keep down the crimes in the economic activities | |
13 | 所以能否将学费控制到纳税人可以接受的程度要由严格的招生指标决定 | to keep down costs to taxpayers admissions are determined by strict quotas | |
14 | 这种策略还有助于遏制由于用户数过早过快膨胀带来的问题。 | It also helps to keep down issues with crowds getting too big, too early. |